Blockchain is the new technology enabler

In technology, there are cycles in which technological enablers appear that allow lagging companies or new entrepreneurs to enter the river of competition and locate themselves in competitive positions. That was the case with the Internet in the 1990s, e-commerce in the 2000s, social networks more recently. The companies that understood and adopted these technologies early were able to “jump” several steps in their transformation and competition processes.

Blockchain is, at the moment, the great enabler and its applications, that is, the networks that work under the Blockchain technology, offer an absolutely new way of doing business. Beyond the great fury, and equally great skepticism, for cryptocurrencies, at this time the networks that, based on the Blockchain, enable the creation and exchange of NFTs open up business opportunities that seem to be exhausted in current trading models, payment and electronic commerce.

The use cases of NFTs range from art, where they have become popular, through title deeds of physical assets, purchase and sale of digital and physical products, capital markets and banking.

Do you want to know more about NFTs and their applications in business? Schedule an hour with us in which we will give an introductory presentation of the technology, with case studies in electronic commerce, trading and banking.

Don’t miss this opportunity

2560 1239 Oscar Perez

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