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LIVE Lunch Break

LIVE Lunch Break

La Inteligencia Artificial tiene el potencial de revolucionar el e-commerce y el e-banking. ¿Quieres descubrir cómo sacarle provecho al AI para potenciar tus ventas on-line? Acompañanos en el #LunchBreak de este jueves donde conversaremos con Filomena Calicchia de Adverweb Consulting Group.

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2560 1706 Alison Baker
Los Smart Contracts y el nuevo Comercio Electrónico

Los Smart Contracts y el nuevo Comercio Electrónico

Mucho se ha hablado de la importancia de la tecnología de Blockchain como habilitador de la nueva web, la 3.0. Ciertamente el Blockchain hace posible que las interacciones en la red sean verdaderamente punto a punto, elimina la necesidad del intermediario y agrega elementos importantes de seguridad de garantía de origen. Sin embargo, cuando analizamos el impacto de los conceptos desarrollados sobre el Blockchain, no existe ninguna que sea mas disruptivo que el de Smart Contract.

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2560 1706 Alison Baker
The World of NFTs “How to make money with NFTs”

The World of NFTs “How to make money with NFTs”

During the technology week in Florida, Miami Entrepreneurs presents the seminar The world of NFTs, a full day with talks and panels with international experts, where you can learn everything related to NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens (in Spanish Tokens no fungibles), a new form of digital expression that has revolutionized the world of art.

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2560 1706 Alison Baker
Blockchain is the new technology enabler

Blockchain is the new technology enabler

In technology, there are cycles in which technological enablers appear that allow lagging companies or new entrepreneurs to enter the river of competition and locate themselves in competitive positions.

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2560 1706 Alison Baker
7 key rules for managing an ecommerce - Latam recovers

7 key rules for the management of an e-commerce - Latam is recovering

I am going to target e-commerce and I am sure of success!! … Ah, No. The path to success is not straight, nor is it a kitchen recipe. So there is no way to guarantee an explosion of sales or exponential growth due to e-commerce. Today we are going to talk to Filomena Calicchia Founder & CEO at Adverweb who has been working with companies of different sizes to build their digital operations for over 26 years.

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2560 1706 Alison Baker
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